Hello, welcome to my first ever blog.
These things can be a little narcissistic, right? Awkward? Cringe worthy reading about an uplifting tale how I created the company from a dream of unicorns, rainbows and fairy dust - nope. Not me.
If you're still reading then you’ll probably want to know what has gone wrong in the kitchen rather than right. So in these little snippets I’ll give you tips, techniques and also my honest journey on how I’ve come to create Sabão.
So what has drawn me to the bath bomb business? Boredom? Time away from the kids. Peppa Pig was driving me to the ends of my sanity? A need to express my creative side (sounds better, right?) - On the right lines there - but more a need to accomplish something.
That funny word ‘accomplishment’ seems to disappear when you have children. Reading a book, sketching, having a bath etc. It all has a pause and play button and eventually you find yourself like a TiVo Box picking up a task which you started weeks ago, so the satisfaction of achieving something for yourself is lost.
My journey to Sabão did not come easily. Before entering the colourful world of bath bombs I tried my hand at the following;
- Making Sushi
- Découpage
- Sewing
- Knitting
- Yoga
- Food Blogging
- Sailing
- Cupcake Decorating
- Upcycling crates as planters
- Gardening
- Jam Making
And finally, one evening I opened a Soap and a Bath Bomb kit by Kirsty Allsop – this woman had it spot on. Well done Allsop! An activity that could be done once the girls were asleep. It took between 30-45 minutes, not much mess or noise and the result can be seen the next day. Better still, I could use or share my new skill with friends and family.
It looked like this could be the activity I was destined to follow. It incorporated my ten years work experience with fragrances, my passion for art and my cooking skills.
Sabão was created.
Wanting to make sure the girls could enjoy the bath bombs without any irritation (as they have sensitive skin). I started to research and compare recipes from all bath bomb websites, YouTube, Instagram and of course good old books – you name it I’ve read or seen it. The base all seemed similar however what is a secret is the amount that each person used.
So what makes Sabão different?
Read the next blog to find out: What ingredients are in Sabão and why?